SiteWatch 360 is the leading solution for continuously monitoring any type of engineering data in a factory or commercial building, simply, easily and inexpensively. Our wireless, real-time monitoring system can be fully up-and-running in 1-2 days using our clip-on IOT technology. Our comprehensive service includes data capture, data transmission, easy-to-use data analytics and excellent engineering support.

SiteWatch 360's comprehensive suite of intelligent monitoring services includes…

All-Data Monitoring

Manufacturers need to monitor multiple variables in real time, so SiteWatch 360 was created to capture and transmit any engineering variable from one machine or many, which can be converted into actionable information to improve plant operations.

Machine Reliability

SiteWatch 360 provides plant engineers with accurate real-time and historical data for optimizing machine maintenance intervals since higher loading means more stress on a machine, often leading to premature failure.

Radial Diagram
Energy Savings

SiteWatch 360 identifies wasted energy from excessive machine run-time, non-optimized machine settings and mechanical/electrical inefficiencies, as well as unnecessary peak energy demand (peak demand in KW — aka your capacity charge — represents about ⅓ of your power bill, and total consumption in kWh represents the other ⅔).

2 Days to Results

Our unique IOT technology employs self-powered clip-on sensors which are fast and easy to install — up to 50+ machines in a day. SiteWatch 360 can be fully up and running within a few days of your ‘go-ahead’, including user training on our easy-to-use software platform.

How SiteWatch 360 Helps Achieve a Rapid Payback

"You can't save energy if you don't know where, when and how you're wasting it."

Two-Day Installation — Immediate Data Flow
  • Self-powered sensors — snap-on 50+ machines in a single day. Fully up-and-running system in 2-3 days.
  • Hands-on installation assistance and software training available.
  • Open platform imports from, and exports to, most other BMS or SCADA systems.
Machine-Health Monitoring
  • Early warning of machine failure by tracking machine-loading over time and excess power consumption.
  • Multi-variable ‘compound’ alerting, which assists with machine-failure-warning and avoiding downtime.
  • Reduced downtime through improved predictive-maintenance scheduling.
Printing Press
Meeting Compliance Requirements
  • Environmental compliance — ESG, ISO and carbon footprint reporting and emissions recording.
  • Sophisticated analytical software with easy-to-build custom reports and custom dashboards.
  • Local law requirements for measuring energy-use in commercial buildings >50,000 sq. ft. in 30 US cities.
Rapid ROI
  • Low-cost snap-on system with multiple utility rebates and incentives available.
  • Regular machine performance reviews with easy-to-use software for highlighting machine inefficiency.
  • ‘Instant’ energy audits. With SiteWatch 360 installed, you can do an energy audit at the click of a button.
Water Boilers